Civility and Safety

Preventing crime, violence, bullying, and intolerance by strengthening an inclusive community and using proven prevention best practices.


Recognizing the urgent need to protect our environment, address climate change and severe weather, and build community resilience.


Ensuring that children have what they need to reach adulthood as skilled, knowledgeable, compassionate, and contributing community members.

The Arts

Supporting the arts for our children and community, and using art advocacy to educate and promote social change. District 18 is fortunate to be home to Strathmore and other art organizations.They need our support and appreciation for all they do to promote the arts and art education.

Quality of Life

Finding meaningful solutions to afford employment opportunities, livable wages, affordable housing, healthcare and insurance coverage, and transportation and traffic solutions.

Opioids and Substance Use

Addressing the opioid epidemic while examining the impact on other systems including family court, child welfare, and foster care to find solutions and prevent a harmful ripple effect. Looking at ways to address substance use and promote recovery through public education, accessible treatment, and jail diversion programs.

Leadership Beyond Legislation

Finding meaningful policy solutions by working collaboratively, while exploring other avenues to change by informing the public, working with community-based organizations, and talking with agencies.